Observations Politics

Elizabeth Warren Email

Elizabeth Warren

There are a lot of campaign emails flying around cyberspace these days. But this one written by Elizabeth Warren, running for the Senate in Massachusetts, struck me as one that I wanted to share. Chris Christie maligned Democrats and government while also stating how wonderful it was that his father was able to use the GI bill to get a college degree! Social legislation like the GI Bill, Social Security, Medicare, Health Care Reform,Pell grants and aid to education are all things Romney/Ryan and Christie now want to do away with. If have any doubts read the Romney/Ryan budget and read the Republican Platform documents they are trying to keep secret.

J R Martin


Jim —

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gave a speech tonight at the Republican National Convention about the Greatest Generation.

Let’s talk about what really made the Greatest Generation so great.

Coming out of the Great Depression, America was at a crossroads. The future of our economy — and our democracy — was at stake.

We made a decision together as a country: To invest in ourselves, in our kids, and in our future. For nearly half a century, that’s just what we did.

And it worked. For nearly 50 years, as our country got richer, our families got richer — and as our families got richer, our country got richer.

And then about 30 years ago, our country moved in a different direction. New leadership attacked wages. They attacked pensions. They attacked health care. They attacked unions. And now we find ourselves in a very different world from the one our parents and grandparents built. We are now in a world in which the rich skim more off the top in taxes and special deals, and they leave less and less for our schools, for roads and bridges, for medical and scientific research — less to build a future.

Tonight, Chris Christie and the Republicans told the American people that we’re to blame for our broken economy. He told families to tighten their belts. He told seniors to live on less. He told teachers to stop fighting for fair pay.

He never, ever mentioned how much more the richest have taken, and he had no mention that those who broke our economy still haven’t been held accountable.

The Republicans believe in an America that is rigged for the big guys — giant corporations that can hire an army of lobbyists, ship jobs overseas, and take their profits to the Cayman Islands.

That’s not who we are as a people — and that’s not the kind of country we want to be.

We built America together, and that’s what makes America great.
